Monday, 27 February 2012

York University Subway Station Design

Concept of new subway station in the Common (credit: TTC)

Students, faculty and staff will no doubt be well aware of the new York University Subway Station currently under construction at the heart of the Keele Campus - an exciting new project that will connect the University community to its adjacent neighbourhoods and the Greater Toronto Area.

The new station is designed to maximize daylight with upward sloping winged entrances to the north and south, and a lightwell that opens toward the Common and Vari Hall.  The north entrance allows easy access from York Lanes and the Archives building, while the south entrance across from Accolade East is outfitted with an elevator to ensure full accessibility.

Station concept (credit: TTC)

A passenger's experience descending into the station will be enhanced by an innovative public art display of changing LED illuminated panels. The station will also include space for various retail outlets at the concourse level.

The station's design is based on principles of environmental sustainability, including support for alternative forms of transportation and the subsequent provision of bike parking spaces, using native and drought tolerant species, and efficient heating and cooling systems. The installation of reflective “cool” roof surfaces on the building, and green roofs over the emergency exits and bike parking facilities, will also help to reduce energy consumption.

Once the station is open, the 1,700 buses that now loop through the Common on a daily basis will be relocated to the regional bus hubs at Steeles West and HWY 407 subway stations to the north of campus.  This will allow the Common to thrive as a safe and green pedestrian-oriented environment, and will improve transit efficiency.  

Do you plan to use the York University Station when it is open?  Check out the TTC's website for more information on the station design and updates on construction progress: